[Wikimedia Kenya] Wikip/media Student/Campus Clubs

Abbas Mahmood abbasjnr at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 28 09:51:14 UTC 2011

I second Stephen 100%. 

One more thing -- these existing clubs that you want to liaise with usually have their own goals and objectives, so it may not be that easy to squeeze Wikimedia into other clubs' priorities. 

Date: Thu, 28 Apr 2011 12:35:51 +0300
From: wanjaustev at gmail.com
To: wikimediake at lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Wikip/media Student/Campus Clubs

hi guys,
Mayenge and Alex nice thoughts.clubs need to be registered at the deans offices in the respective campus and some other stuff that could be hectic.
Just a bench mark.
Google Kenya are getting thousands of edits from Kenya and yet they do not have these clubs.

They have been using motivation to editors of their maps.These motivations come in different forms and shapes.At a time last year they introduced a map makers competition in all campuses where the winners would win prizes ranging from laptops to food.Those that got gadgets were better placed because they had more edits then they later held a party at the ihub for all the other participants and they carried out a training on advanced usage of google maps.i was in the competition and I only got the prize at the petite end which happened to be attendance of the party.Am not complaining though.

The edits are always on the rise day in day out and they have even launched another competition for this year and I am in FTW this time.
End of benchmark.
Guys this is area code 254 and getting some one spend on internet just to edit something they wont benefit  in some way they can feel directly is quite hard.Which is not the case for wikimedians in area code 254

I stand to be corrected.
Stephen W. Wanjau

Phone: +254 771 557 857


B.Sc statistics and computer science.


On Apr 28, 2011 12:02 PM, "Limoke Oscar" <oslimoke at gmail.com> wrote:
>> For starters, I feel the best way of engaging Wikipedia in campuses is

>> through already existing clubs. Starting a club from scratch can be pretty
>> cambersome. With existing clubs, we wouldn't have to worry about recruiting
>> new members, sustainability of a whole club etc.

> Good idea Alex. We would not even need to form a club,we could alternatively
> have "informal" editing "parties" like Google Map Maker parties where we
> invite interested students,teach them how to edit and do some communal

> editing.
>> ps: Oscar, most phones can access that wiki. You should see the phone I use
>> for short wiki edits!...
> Tell me its the Nokia 1680c :P ...i have that too.

> Thanks for the TIP.

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