[Wikimedia Kenya] Wikip/media Student/Campus Clubs

Alex Wafula xelawafs at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 28 08:57:36 UTC 2011

For starters, I feel the best way of engaging Wikipedia in campuses is through already existing clubs. Starting a club from scratch can be pretty cambersome. With existing clubs, we wouldn't have to worry about recruiting new members, sustainability of a whole club etc.

Just thinking out loud, what do you think guys?

ps: Oscar, most phones can access that wiki. You should see the phone I use for short wiki edits!


On Thu Apr 28th, 2011 1:25 AM PDT Limoke Oscar wrote:

>Hey Guys,
>Since we are going in the direction of having Campus editing "parties",I
>thought this may be of help:
>And since most of us read or emails via the phones,this is what is contained
>in the link:
>*How to start a Wikipedia student club*
>Are you interested in creating a community of Wikipedia editors on your
>If you believe in the free sharing of knowledge to the entire global
>community, then creating a Wikipedia Club on your college campus is a great
>way to grow the community of Wikipedia editors.
>A student club will provide a community for students to learn how to edit
>Wikipedia, teach each other how to edit, and actively participate in the
>process of peer-review.
>   - Opportunities to contribute to the world’s knowledge
>   - Gain knowledge as you access existing Wikipedia articles and create new
>   ones
>   - Improve communication, writing, researching, and teaching skills
>   - Experience the satisfaction of seeing your work in print
>Limoke Oscar,
>GeoInformatics and GIScience Student

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