[Wikimedia Kenya] Survey

lilian nyarera lireshi at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 21 11:19:00 UTC 2011

I am failing to understand the arguments in this mails. Simply dont write your 
name if you really dont have to. Abbas,Just make it clear that no names will be 
displayed(since its the cause for all these arguments) and that everyone is 
writing their thots and therefore no one should be judgemental whatsoever after 
all its a survey and everyone is entitled to their opinion! 
Oscar avoid being too harsh.Kuwa mpole.


From: Abbas Mahmood <abbasjnr at hotmail.com>
To: The discussion list for the upcoming Wikimedia Kenya chapter. 
<wikimediake at lists.wikimedia.org>
Sent: Thu, April 21, 2011 1:32:24 PM
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Survey

I feel demoralized.  I started this survey so that we can see where we are doing 
well and maximise on that and know where we are poor and learn from our 
mistakes. However, I did not intend to point fingers of accusation at people who 
are performing below average. That is why I said I will not disclose names. That 
is why, in the survey, I just put a general slot for ''quality of 
presentations'' rather than ''Grace's presentation'' or ''Ting's presentation''. 
I fail to understand how, for instance, rating quality of presentations as 1 
will mean that David made a poor presentation. It merely means that next time, 
we will all collaborate beforehand and ensure that the presentations to be made 
are all of the desired quality.

If you think that this is pointing fingers of accusation behind someone's back, 
then I'm sorry: I was merely assuming good faith.

This survey is done online since at an AGM, not all people would attend, and 
thereby it wouldn't guarantee full participation.

Critics will always be there. Now it's up to you to live in you own bubble and 
pretend you don't hear them or listen to them, and react appropriately. 

I think this causing more contoversy than expected, and maybe I was mistaken to 
create this survey in the first place. 

Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 12:50:49 +0300
From: oslimoke at gmail.com
To: wikimediake at lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Survey

Hi Everyone, 
From what I have been reading,I guess I dont understand what is going on.True we 
have received some "negative" critiscm in the past few days.And from the 
continued arguments in this thread,I am inclined to think maybe our critics are 

First,I dont understand the need of the Survey?I mean to what end are we doing 
the survey???
I personally would suggest we have some sort of  "AGM" where we can look back at 
our success,mistakes and staff on a more "humane" grounds with the aim of 
correcting and building on our success and mistakes not the "virtual" way.

Plus some questions are very subjective and touch on individuals directly 
and personally I would rather not critic people behind there back especially in 

Happy Easter,
Limoke Oscar, 
GeoInformatics and GIScience Student

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