[Wikimedia Kenya] Survey

Abbas Mahmood abbasjnr at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 21 08:48:17 UTC 2011

>Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 08:55:42 +0300
>From: coolsam726 at gmail.com
>To: wikimediake at lists.wikimedia.org
>Subject: Re: [Wikimedia Kenya] Survey

>@Abbas,>You were on the right direction, and you gave it the best decision. In future we have to look for a better solution against multiple participation. You will agree with me that the name field doesn't solve >the problem at all. I can poise as Grace and submit my survey under her name.... 

No, I will not agree with you. Simply because I could follow it up with Grace and confirm whether she participated in the survey. Or better yet, Grace might have already participated in the survey and a second entry under her name would only arouse suspicion and i would follow it up with Grace to confirm which is her actual entry.
I'm not going to argue much about it -- just do what you want: if you want to fill in "Anonymous", then so be it.  >The fact that Wikimedia Kenya is Democratic alone will not give people the confidence to speak pure truth. In that case I am sorry to say that there are those who will give responses that are >"edited" in order to ensure that they do not condemn me or Abbas or Oscar or Chris or Steve or Lilian or anybody else. Therefore the survey will just be a painted picture.
Ha! I'm actually surprised at your democracy stance. Could you pause for a moment and flashback when you were overseeing the voting process of who's going to the Chapters Meeting and you were the very same person who said that you believe that we are all mature people and we are democratically mature? Just in case you forgot, these are the very exact words you said, verbatim, in your email dated Wed 2/02/11 8:09 AM:
Just to clarify, I believe that we are a free and mature people. This is why I trusted all of us to display the polls.As much as some people would develop a "So you didn't vote for me" attitude, I believe that won't be the case in Wikimedia. Everyone had a criteria to vote the way he did and I believe everyone is satisfied with the results. Show your mature democracy by developing no grudge to anybody.As I would always say, this was not a rivalry poll, but rather one that will strengthen our bond as well as show the external world, including the rest of the Wikimedia foundation how democratically mature we are and how we can handle situations as mature people.can you prove that?

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