[Wikimedia Kenya] Survey

stephen wanjau wanjaustev at gmail.com
Wed Apr 20 11:12:54 UTC 2011

hi Abbas,
I have started answering the interview but I have some problem.

The part that requires me to answer whether I attended the wikipedia
10 anniversary for me I
did not yet it goes on to inquire of the food the reception and blah blah at
the anniversary.
It does not make sense since I did.

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Abbas Mahmood <abbasjnr at hotmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> I believe that feedback/complaints/compliments/criticisms are good for the
> betterment of an organization. With that in mind, I have created a survey
> that I would like you all to participate:
> https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGFDa19PbXR4Q212Y0x1UGNTZkxBNkE6MQ. I
> know it's quite long, but so much has happened so far and I would like to
> know what people think about what we've been doing.Please be honest when
> answering the questions. For privacy reasons, I will not mention any names
> when displaying the results.
> Looking forward to getting your feedback!
> Yours,
> Abbas.
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Mr. Stephen W. Wanjau
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Freelance article writer and data entry specialist.

twitter: @haha_wanjau
facebook: www.facebook.com/.swanjau

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