[Wikimedia Kenya] what do you think?

BRANTON OBWARI bruceobwari at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 09:11:21 UTC 2011

Guys ,thanks for the feedback
Oscar has raised a very important issue of the availability of volunteers
and how to synchronize them into their project , so far they have not shared
their operational schedule putting in mind  that we have not fully discused
how we ought to engage them. that makes some corporate sence .,its after the
meeting on Monday that we may be able to look at the program and see how to
address the issue of the availability of  our volunteers to acompany them.
      Abbas , their target niche as defined by their mandate is to set out a
e -learning platform around the country , talking about wikipedia for
schools i meant to incorporate all what we were doing in Kakamega ,Mombasa ,
and Nyeri i.e preview of what wikimedia is all about ,online and offline
,other projects by the Wikimedia, installation , issuence of certificate of
completion ...blah blah blah..
   Lilian, the impact of teachers can never be underestimated , never mind
the fact that, in some quaters of the society they are opinion shapers ,was
even of the view that now that we do have provincial teachers heads meeting
every holiday , we can request the cornveners to give us some airtime we
present our case ,they are local administraters in matters pertaining
schools, that may even go a long way to cut on our expentiture on pre visits
   On that i need to request any one to get in touch with kesho at 9.30am as
we meet those guys ,a detailed report on the outcome of the meeting putting
in mind the concerns raised on the mailing list will be posted .


On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Alex Wafula <xelawafs at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hey Branton,
> Seems like a great idea. So when do you plan to meetup with these guys next
> and get more details on this.
> Cheers,
> Alex.
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