[Wikimediaindia-l] Translating the WebFonts help text - We need you

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 19:00:34 UTC 2012

One of the changes since the original deployment of WebFonts is the
creation of user documentation on WebFonts. You will see this help text
when you click on the question mark in the WebFonts menu. This user
documentation is located on MediaWiki.org and, we have enabled the
Translate extension on MediaWiki so that the text can be translated.

Documentation and particularly user documentation benefits from being
available in "your" language. When a translation in your language is
available, it will be shown in your language when you arirve from a Wiki in
your language.

The text of the help text is not long and we are looking for people who try
out the translation extension on MediaWiki.org. We are interested in the
observations you make working on the translations. Our intention is to
build upon our experience with the help text of the WebFonts extension and
your input is therefore crucial for the help texts that we hope to provide
in the future.
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