[Wikimediaindia-l] Presenting "The India Chronicles"

Pundit Commentator punditcomment at live.com
Sun Oct 9 02:13:01 UTC 2011

Dear Mr. Mundol,

Thank you for sharing this document. A couple of typos not withstanding, it is very well written and makes for a highly informative and compelling read to new eyes like mine. The broad scope of the report and the depth of details enumerated while capturing the on-going story of Wikipedia in India is very welcome indeed from the point of view of record-keeping, internal reflection and public relations. 

Best regards,


From: hisham at wikimedia.org
Date: Sun, 9 Oct 2011 02:58:57 +0530
To: wikimediaindia-l at lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Wikimediaindia-l] Presenting "The India Chronicles"

Hi Folks,
A few months ago, the Foundation asked Tory Read to travel to India and listen and learn and write about the movement in India.  The objective was to harvest experiences and learnings and to have an open discussion around what we could all do to further the movement.
This isn't in the form of a (possibly) long & boring report - but in the form of a story.  (Tory's a professional researcher, writer and former journalist.)  To put this together, Tory travelled for a couple of weeks  across Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and across towns in Kerala - attending community meet-ups and meeting up/speaking with a host of individual community members (in these cities and indeed beyond.)

Tory's tale is called, "The India Chronicles", and is available on Wikimedia Commons: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_India_Chronicles_(150dpi).pdf
Do have a read through and do share your views on it - positives and negatives - and do feel free to comment on any aspect of it.  It would be wonderful to have an engaging conversation on this.
Warmest Regards,

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