[Wikimediaindia-l] Required - articles for Collaboration of the Month Dec 2011

Hisham hisham at wikimedia.org
Tue Nov 29 08:53:51 UTC 2011

On Nov 29, 2011, at 1:49 PM, Ashwin Baindur wrote:

> Now, I want to raise another point. Do we really have the wherewithal for a 5 article collaboration? I think that is too optimistic, perhaps we should have a two article collaboration to begin with each month?

My personal view is that any number is good and if it looks like 5 is too high, 2 is a great start.  It's really interesting to see the points made by Srikanth R and Naveen on the articles on transport.  Clearly, this idea has worked in the past and has potential.  I'd suggest that you start with any number, even 2.  ...I suspect that as momentum builds, you'll find that it naturally scales up.


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