[Wikimediaindia-l] Need your suggestions...

Ravishankar ravidreams at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 00:18:17 UTC 2011

Hi Shrinivasan,

Hope your married life is going great.

I need your suggestions for couple of things:

* I created a meetp group for WordPress lovers in Chennai at


Can this be announced in your blog at http://www.ilugc.in/

I saw a Drupal meetup being announced earlier ?

* Can we get a speaking slot to give an introductory talk on WordPress in
any of the coming ILUGC meetups?

* What will be the best way to reach FOSS lovers with an interest in WP for
a job opening we have? I already posted in Fossjobs.in

Please also share your views on how we can grow WP or any other FOSS
community in Chennai and how to reach the guys already active in it.


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