[Wikimediaindia-l] Event Support Request

Noopur noopur.raval at gmail.com
Mon May 30 07:52:06 UTC 2011

I am Noopur and I can help with press and media coordination, promotion and
volunteering of any other kind.

On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 10:28 PM, <wheredevelsdare at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Cross posting on India/Mumbai/Pune mailing lists
> Just to follow up on the minutes of Mumbai X - we would like to invite
> members of the national wikicommunity to come and support WikiConference
> 2011, Mumbai/Pune.
> It was felt important that to move forward we need an Event Organising
> Committee (OC) for the WikiConference and sub-committee members. Kindly note
> we are not looking for people who just lend their names but people who will
> actually come forward and put in time and effort in the entire 6 month
> preceding period.
> Sub-Committees suggested:
> •Conference Programming  (Includes Themes, Tracks, Keynote Speakers and
> Scheduling)
> Deciding the direction this meet should take.
> •Finance (Includes both budgeting, raising finances and scholarships)
> People who are either qualified or have experience preferred. Handling
> finance of such an event
> •Conference Venue and Catering
> Coordination of venue and catering booking to helping things move on the
> floor during the event
> •Major Events (Attendee Party/Mega Event)
> Undertaking responsibility of any major events other than actual conference
> •Press and Media coordination
> Deciding on a path for media promotion of event, giving interviews,
> inviting media and taking care of them during the event
> •Accommodation and Registration
> Reserving the accommodation, picking people up and making sure they find
> their accommodation, registering people on the event day.
> •Promotion and Advertisement
> There will be a promotion budget which will have to be judiciously used for
> maximum benefit - again person with experience or qualification preferred.
> •Technical and IT
> Running the event site, setting up wifi and other electronic goods, webcast
> of the event online for those who cannot make it in person
> •Volunteer
> On ground. Running around during the event
> Whoever is interested in being on the OC or any of the sub-committees,
> kindly write to the Mumbai list (*wikimedia-in-mum at lists.wikimedia.org*).
> Kind Regards,
> User:AroundTheGlobe
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Noopur Raval
Arts and Aesthetics
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Ph: 9650567690
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