[Wikimediaindia-l] [Press] Times of India : "Who wrote my Wiki? / Wiki league" , Hyderabad Ed, Hyderabad Times - 25 May 2011

CherianTinu Abraham tinucherian at gmail.com
Sun May 29 02:42:59 UTC 2011

*Times of India : "Wiki league" , Hyderabad Ed, Hyderabad Times - 25 May
2011 *

*Who wrote my Wiki?*

*A group of Hyderabadi, techies, professors and students have turned
Wikipedia editors to write about everything from haleem to highways and
share it with the world*


*Wiki league*


 *Whether you want to find out the latest dope on Arnold Schwarzenneger’s
love child or how Osama was really killed, all you need to do is just “Wiki
it” up. But the headquarters of this Web superhero that always comes to your
rescue, could just be your neighbour’s crib! *
*We know Wikipedia is the world’s largest free, collaborative encyclopedia
project where anyone can contribute. But how many of us actually do it? Head
to one session of the city’s “Wikipedia meet-up” and you’ll be surprised. *
*These ‘Wikipedians’ catch up regularly to talk about everything from
promoting India on this global platform to adding colour to our own city’s
entries. Srikanth Lakshmanan, proudly sporting a Wikipedia tee, says, “I
started by editing a page on my college and went on to write 50 articles on
Indian roads. If you spare time to write accurate info about something you
like, it becomes a point of reference for the world.” *
*For the Wiki page on Hyderabadi haleem, you have Randhir Reddy, a local
contributor, to thank. “When I realized there is no page on haleem, I
started one and it turned out to get a huge number of hits. My page on the
local Bathukamma Festival too was much read.” *
*Giridhar Rao, a professor of humanities in IIIT, Hyderabad, who contributes
to Wiki pages in Esperanto, an artificial international language with a
vocabulary based on word roots common to many European languages, says,“If
you don’t feel confident enough to start your own Wikipedia page, you can
contribute to existing ones.” *
*Seconding the opinion is Hisham Mundol a consultant to the Wikimedia
Foundation. “Since we think, dream and express best in our mother tongue,
contributing to the pages in Indian regional languages is also a great way
to share our knowledge.” Ashhar Farhan, the curator of Lamakaan, where the
meet was held, shares an experience. “The page on actress Tabu, who is a
dear friend, read, ‘Hindu film actress,’ instead of ‘Hindi film actress.’
She asked me to help her out, so I tried editing it. My edit was rejected as
I was considered a vandal who was sabotaging the article. So it’s important
to give reference to a newspaper article or a book while making any
change.” *

 *Hyderabadi Wikipedia enthusiasts at the meetup*

Tinu Cherian
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