[Wikimediaindia-l] New [In terms of discovery] Tool(s) for the English Wikipedia

Srikanth Ramakrishnan rsrikanth05 at gmail.com
Fri May 6 13:10:04 UTC 2011

Heya all,
I was busy doing some [random, varied] editing to several road based
articles on the English Wikipedia when I came across this handy tool called
Find Link.
This tool lets you search for a given string across all articles in the
project and then link it to the article of the string.
An example is:
I searched for Dual Carriageway, it gave me Leach Highway. A simple click
opens up the Edit Page, with the change ALREADY IMPLEMENTED. A short edit
summary is also prepared, all you need to do is click on Save.
This tool is quite handy, in many cases.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Edward/Find_link

Apart from this, there is another tool, I guess many are aware of this:
Called Advisor.
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Cameltrader/Advisor.js/Description
This handy tool helps ease out minor corrections, and remove whitespaces,
make heading styles uniform across the article.

And last:
Wikipedia Cleaner
Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:CLEANER
It helps remove redundant links, and link pages to direct articles in case
of disambiguation pages.

I've been using the last two for over a year and also been on a mission to
try and localise Wikipedia Cleaner to Hindi.
I came across the first one today.
I hope this comes in Handy to you guys, and helps keep the project clean.


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