[Wikimediaindia-l] Wikimedia India membership

Shyam Bihari Agarwal s.b.agarwal at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 14:53:43 UTC 2011


I was just worndering, what is the procedure to be a member of Wikimedia
India. I may have missed a few of the threads regarding this. Is there an
annual fee involved to be a member?



On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 6:41 PM, CherianTinu Abraham
<tinucherian at gmail.com>wrote:

> Folks,
>         I feel little guilty of forwarding the thread to India list. The
> discussion is now getting nowhere and borderline dirtier.
> I humbly appeal to everyone involved in the discussion to kindly abandon
> this thread.
> Each one of you are the integral part of the Wikimedia movement in India.
> Differences may happen, but let us not forget our ultimate goal.
> Chapter, community , foundation, let us all work together.
> The India chapter was formed after much hard work and let us give it as
> little more time... Requesting everyone interested to kindly apply for
> membership and remember it is you who could drive the chapter to a bigger
> success. Constructive Criticism is useful, Blaming each other is easy but it
> is you who could make a difference.
> thanks again
> Regards
> Tinu Cherian
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