[Wikimediaindia-l] [Wikimedia-in-del] Join Wikimedia Delhi chapter

CherianTinu Abraham tinucherian at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 15:21:34 UTC 2011

No offence, But with the existence of a national chapter for India and also
Wikimedia Foundation office in Delhi, IMHO the need of Delhi chapter
is redundant. Especially when the India chapter also plans to have location
and language SIGs soon.

We don't need more organisations.. we need to get more work done only ;)

-Tinu Cherian

On Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 8:38 PM, Vibhi Jain <vibhijain at yahoo.in> wrote:

> A new chapter proposal for *Wikimedia Delhi City* has been placed. If
> passes, it would be the fourth Sub-national chapter of Wikimedia. For
> further details, go to http://bit.ly/mHk3uT , the profits of a local
> chapter would be:
> * More promotion of Wikipedia in Delhi
> * More support from the Wikimedia Foundation
> * Will help in Developing wiki community
> * More Workshops
> At a very early phase, we need 10-20 People interested in helping to create
> a local chapter. If you are interested, then please add your name to *''People
> interested in helping to create a local chapter''* section on the link
> provided above.
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