[Wikimediaindia-l] Minutes - Wikipedia Mumbai Meetup - July 2011

Pradeep Mohandas pradeep.mohandas at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 14:16:04 UTC 2011


We met on the evening of July 20, 2011 at the InOrbit Mall, Malad. The
meeting took place in the food-court. Seven people attended the meeting, in
no particular order:

1. Pradeep Mohandas
2. Pranav Curumsey
3. Vickram Crishna
4. Deepak Patil
5. Suyog Vyawahare
6. Rahul Mehrotra
7. Vishal Mahajan

The agenda for the meeting was set as:

   - Introductions & General Discussions.
   - Updates on WikiConference India 2011
   - Preview of Oral Citations Project Video
   - GLAM update
   - Wikipedia for the UNESCO World Heritage Site

Minutes of the Meeting:
1. After a round of introductions, we decided to give updates on the
WikiConference India 2011 to the attendees and also discuss a few items of
interest. Members took the opportunity to connect with each other and speak
2. We were not able to view the Oral citations project video since we did
not have screening space. We met in the Food court.
3. Updates were provided on the GLAM with The Museum, Mumbai. We're still
awaiting word from the Museum on a good date and a good time to begin our
interactions from. We also decided to approach the Bombay Natural History
4. We also were not able to talk about the World Heritage Site since it
became too late.

warm regards,
Pradeep Mohandas
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