[Wikimediaindia-l] Anniversary event in Hyderabad

Veeven (వీవెన్) veeven at gmail.com
Wed Jan 12 04:31:00 UTC 2011

2011/1/12 Arjuna Rao Chavala <arjunaraoc at googlemail.com>

> On Wed, Jan 12, 2011 at 1:25 AM, Steven Walling <swalling at wikimedia.org>wrote:
>> Okay, I'm just going to be bold and delete the Hyderabad and Bhopal pages,
>> and explain to these folks that we're only here to support volunteer-led
>> events, not corporate ones et cetera.
>> If any Wikimedians from either of those cities want to put something up,
>> go for it though.
>> Thanks for the quick response.
>> As I am active in Telugu wikipedia, though based in Bangalore, I am in
> touch with Hyderabad organisers Rahimanuddin, Veeven and others. We will
> have the proper details soon. Thanks for the alert.

I've just cleaned it up. Now, we have community planned details on place.

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