[Wikimediaindia-l] Fwd: Moderation policy on WikimediaIndia-l

Achal Prabhala aprabhala at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 16:31:23 UTC 2011

Dear Hari and Anirudh,

Further to my message below, could you help me understand why Praveen's 
message does not appear in the archive for WikimediaIndia-l, even though 
messages subsequent to it - like mine - do?


I'm sure there must be some simple technical reason for this, just 
asking to understand better how moderation/ archiving works.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Moderation policy on WikimediaIndia-l
Date: 	Fri, 11 Feb 2011 17:14:50 +0530
From: 	Achal Prabhala <aprabhala at gmail.com>
To: 	Discussion list on Indian language projects of Wikimedia. 
<wikimediaindia-l at lists.wikimedia.org>

Dear Hari and Anirudh,

As moderators of WikimediaIndia-l, could you describe the policy you
normally adopt towards moderation?

Do you only block obvious spam or other messages, and if so on what basis?

I am naturally curious since a message from Praveen that you only just
released seems to have been sent in 3 days ago.

Furthermore, I think we'd benefit from understanding how people may
apply to become administrators on this list.

In light of Anirudh's recent appointment to administrator of this list,
is there an open process by which other members might apply?
(Foundation-l seems to have three administrators, though I would imagine
that there is nothing stopping WikimediaIndia-l from having more than

Please note that I don't ask with persecutory intent, but merely to
clear gaps in my own understanding, which might be a problem that other
people on this list face as well. Since WikimediaIndia-l is such an
important place for all kinds of conversations that cut across the
movement in India, it's in all our interests to know exactly how it is

Best regards,

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