[Wikimediaindia-l] WMF, India Office and Chapter - Update

Gautam John gautam at prathambooks.org
Fri Aug 26 08:04:44 UTC 2011

On 26 August 2011 13:23, Hari Prasad Nadig <hpnadig at gmail.com> wrote:

> connect with them would be a plus. Let me know if I could be of any help
> there, I'd be happy to help.

Hari - that would be very welcome indeed. Both to connect us with
departments that might be interested and at the events themselves.
Likewise for people outside of Karnataka too.

> Membership at 80 looks like a good number achieved considering that Chapter
> had minimal resources to do a membership drive in that it doesn't have paid
> employees yet who can run around getting stuff done (or are there any now?).
> I believe placing a link on http://wikimedia.in/ about the membership would
> help drive more members. The site notice on the community wiki can also be
> put to better use.

Agreed and thank you. Nope, there aren't any paid staff! We really do
need to overhaul that landing page and welcome assistance on that too.
Similarly, on the Wiki too. We're also hoping that online membership
becomes a reality in the next few months too. That said, it would be
really helpful if everyone could refer their colleagues and fellow
volunteers to become members and if the India Program team can also
encourage those it interacts with to become members of the Chapter.

> Good to hear about the progress on FCRA. Going by what I've heard from
> others, this is going to test your patience.

Indeed! But we remain hopeful. :)

> About the Foundation update,

I'll leave this to Hisham, Shiju and Nitika.

> There are several more questions that would prop in the minds of Wikipedians
> who've seen times when there was no chapter, no WMF assistance during the
> earlier years (2002 - ) to the years now of conspicuously towering interest
> in the region. There were times when we put our own money to organize
> Wikipedia related activities, not having anyone here to help. So, this
> change is welcoming, the kind of interest we're seeing now in India is huge
> for every Wikipedian from this country. However, there is uncertainty about
> where this is headed.

The movement wouldn't be where it is without the help of everyone who
has kept the flame burning all the while. Everyone remains indebted to


- Gautam

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