[Wikimediaindia-l] Official Page: WikiConference India 2011

wheredevelsdare at hotmail.com wheredevelsdare at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 1 05:27:36 UTC 2011

**Cross Posted on India/Mumbai/Pune Lists**


We received feedback last week on the official WCI 2011 page on meta not being up to date. We have been working on it since and the page is now up to date with relevant information. Things like registration are not up yet as it is still to open, watch out for official announcements on the same in the coming weeks.

For any information on WCI 2011 kindly refer to: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiConference_India_2011

We will appreciate any feedback in this matter, kindly respond to this email privately with your feedback.

Kind Regards,
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