[Wikimediaindia-l] India Programs IRC : Thursday April 7th 2011 @ 8pm IST (GMT + 5:30) : #wikimedia-office

Hisham Mundol hmundol at wikimedia.org
Thu Apr 7 09:46:57 UTC 2011

Hi Folks

As I had mentioned earlier, we're having a monthly IRC meeting on India Programs on the 1st Thursday of every month.  Please do join the IRC meeting this evening on India Programs .  (The details are in the subject of this mail.) 

The basic agenda is to discuss the India Plan which I shared with you all a couple of days ago as well as anything else that you wish to go through.

I look forward to as many of you as can make it.

Many thanks.

Warm Regards,

Hisham Mundol
India Programs - Wikimedia Foundation

skype: hisham.wikimedia
gtalk: hmundol at wikimedia.org
twitter: @mundol

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