[Wikimediaindia-l] [Feedback] or [What was I upto?]

Srikanth Ramakrishnan rsrikanth05 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 14:11:21 UTC 2011

Heya again.

I thought of this idea today. I figured it might help.

How about we [on a regular basis], list out our major contributions on
various Wikimedia projects on a periodic basis?

The advantages of this stupidity are:
* Editors might find someone else who edits articles of similar nature and
this will lead to more collaboration and team work.
* People can get feedback on their edits and can help other users improve OR
improve themselves.
* This results in cross-editing, the overall quality of articles will go up.

Examples are:
* I edit something related to a certain National Highway. Users like
Naveenpf or SBC-YPR might have some photographs or references, and might add
* I create an article in Hindi, somebody sees it and translates it to Tamil.

Advantages are aplenty, do let me know what you think of this.

Wear a Lungi, Support the Movement
 My infrastructure invasion... plus other images
too.. on Wikimedia Commons. http://bit.ly/d50SIq
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