[Wikimediaindia-l] Wikipedia logo in Sinhala

Cary Bass cary at wikimedia.org
Tue Jun 22 23:40:52 UTC 2010

I had a rough time trying to find a Sinhala font that

1) Worked on my laptop system in Linux.
2) Worked in Inkscape without serious spacing errors.
3) Isn't way too heavy or way too light to represent Wikipedia.

I found something called "Iskoola Pota" which seems to me to have
worked.  However, not knowing Sinhala, I have no clue whether it does,
in fact, look right, or appropriate.


If anyone can provide any insight; I would be delighted. 

PS: I still haven't found an appropriate font for the Gujarati logo.
Ideas and/or help are welcome.

Cary Bass
Volunteer Coordinator, Wikimedia Foundation

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