[Wikimediaindia-l] Wikimeetup 3 Pune photos

Pradeep Mohandas pradeep.mohandas at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 17:37:16 UTC 2010

> Actually I depend on the Wikimedia list and WikiProject India/Portal for
> news of meetups. I'm sure there are others like me. Could all who have
> blogged/posted/placed images about meetups please reflect them on this list
> besides other social media such as FB, twitter, identi.ca etc.

Here's the non-techy view report on the Wikipedia Mumbai meetup on December
11 - http://www.parallelspirals.in/2010/12/wikipedia-mumbai-meetup-5/

Pictures - http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Mumbai_Meetup_Dec2010

I do hope that the other camera-persons in the group also share via
Wikimedia Commons.This was my first experience of uploading stuff on
Commons. Tinu Cherian did that for me the last time. I did want to try it
for myself this time. Learnt a bit more with each photo I uploaded and liked

warm regards,
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