[Wikimedia Brasil] Tradução do Estatuto

Béria Lima berialima em gmail.com
Domingo Novembro 20 21:43:59 UTC 2011

OSCIP: Organizations of the Civil Society of Public Interest

Source: http://soumaisbrasil.org.br/inf.%20OSCIP%20ing.pdf
*Béria Lima*
<http://wikimedia.pt/>(351) 925 171 484

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2011/11/20 Castelo <michelcastelobranco em gmail.com>

>  Gente,
> Dos 38 artigos de nosso estatuto, 28 já estão "mais ou menos"
> traduzidos[1]. Precisam de uma melhoria no estilo, e de definir alguns
> termos específicos. Como se traduz "OSCIP"? E "Carta de Princípios"? Deixei
> lá na discussão[2] alguns comentários. Acho que dá para finalizar até o dia
> 30.
> CB
> [1] http://br.wikimedia.org/wiki/Estatuto/en
> [2] http://br.wikimedia.org/wiki/Discussão:Estatuto/en
> On 15-11-2011 15:30, Castelo wrote:
> Gente, segue íntegra da resposta do ChapCom. Neste momento de revisão do
> estatuto pelo ChapCom, a tradução *não precisa de ser juramentada*.
> Então temos dois trabalhos: traduzir o estatuto e responder aquelas
> perguntas. O Maurício já se ofereceu para ajudar na tradução, que vai
> começar imediatamente lá na br.wiki.[1] Quem mais quiser ajudar, é só
> chegar. Duas semanas parece razoável para vocês? Poderíamos então
> estabelecer 30 de novembro como data limite para envio das respostas (em
> inglês) e envio do estatuto (traduzido) para o ChapCom?
> Castelo
> [1] http://br.wikimedia.org/wiki/Estatuto/en
> -------- Original Message --------  Subject: Re: [ChapCom] Wikimedia
> Brasil  Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 13:31:38 +0100  From: Bence Damokos
> <bdamokos em gmail.com> <bdamokos em gmail.com>  To:
> michelcastelobranco em gmail.com, Chapters Committee list
> <chaptercommittee-l em lists.wikimedia.org><chaptercommittee-l em lists.wikimedia.org>
> Hi Castelo,
> Just to answer you quickly on the first question: we generally prefer
> a volunteer made translation of the bylaws (because they tend to be
> free and are of good enough quality to understand and review the
> issues relevant to us), so that is what I would recommend to you.
> Before we as the Chapters Committee would start reviewing the bylaws,
> we would need to get some more information as you say: both some
> general info[1] and the specifics related to your special situation.
> Feel free to send the answers to me, to Lodewijk<lodewijk em effeietsanders.org> <lodewijk em effeietsanders.org> who's been in initial contact with
> Beria, or to the general address of the Committee<chaptercommittee-l em lists.wikimedia.org> <chaptercommittee-l em lists.wikimedia.org>. (Unfortunately, it may take
> a bit of time to receive an answer especially if you have questions
> that require an internal discussion among ourselves, so please don't
> be discouraged if we are slow to respond - and feel free to send me a
> personal reminder to speed things up.)
> Best regards,
> Bence
> Chapters Committee
> [1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Chapters_committee/Pipeline/Follow-up_questions
> - I think Beria shared these questions with you, I am not sure I have
> seen the answers to it yet
> On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 6:29 AM, Castelo Branco<michelcastelobranco em gmail.com> <michelcastelobranco em gmail.com> wrote:
> > Dear ChapCom members,
> >
> > Moving forward, we would like to submit an English version of our bylaws for
> > your approval, as recommended in the Step 5 of the Chapter Creation
> > Guide[1], which also says that "The Chapters committee might ask for a
> > lawyer approved translation of the bylaws, in which case it will provide the
> > necessary budget to translate the bylaws."
> >
> > In Brazil, a lawyer approved translation would cost around USD 500 for this
> > lenght (~17k words). We would like to know if we should hire this service or
> > provide the translation by ourselves. In the first case, how should we apply
> > for the necessary budget?
> >
> > We also have some other informations to provide, and it would be great to
> > have a mentor in this process, as sometimes it can be helpful to know how
> > much are you aware of our context (and how much is necessary to describe) in
> > some particular issues.
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> >
> > Castelo Branco
> > Wikimedia Brasil
> >
> > [1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Step-by-step_chapter_creation_guide
> >
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Béria Lima <berialima em gmail.com> <berialima em gmail.com>
> > Date: 2011/10/2
> > Subject: Wikimedia Brazil
> > To: chaptercommittee-l em lists.wikimedia.org
> > Cc: CasteloBranco <michelcastelobranco em gmail.com> <michelcastelobranco em gmail.com>, Fabio Azevedo
> > <fazedo em gmail.com> <fazedo em gmail.com>
> >
> >
> > Hello people from ChapCom,
> >
> > As you surely know, in the past, the Brazilian community started a process
> > for establishing a local organization to promote the WMF projects within the
> > country. Early in September 2008, we submitted to the ChapCom a proposal for
> > creating the chapter Wikimedia Brasil, which was approved. Nevertheless, in
> > the same year,  the volunteers have chosen not to establish a formal chapter
> > in that time. The reasons were pointed out in the Chapter Report 2008, but
> > this discussion never ended.
> >
> > In 2011, the whole Brazilian community has finally reached an agreement, in
> > order to create a minimum legal structure to support and expand our
> > activities across the country. Those activities will keep being freely
> > created and driven by volunteers, but with legal, institutional and
> > financial support by WMBR Board. With such model in mind, we have re-written
> > our  bylaws, which is now being reviewed by lawyers. The next step will be
> > submitting it to the ChapCom and asking for the new recognizement as a
> > chapter. All our steps are being widely announced, either in our
> > mailing-list as in social networks and also discussed in our wiki and in
> > many IRC-meetings.
> >
> > Therefore, we would like to re-start this process.
> > _____
> > Béria Lima
> > Wikimedia Brazil volunteer
> > (351) 925 171 484
> >
> > Imagine um mundo onde é dada a qualquer pessoa a possibilidade de ter livre
> > acesso ao somatório de todo o conhecimento humano. É isso o que estamos a
> > fazer.
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Chaptercommittee-l mailing list
> > Chaptercommittee-l em lists.wikimedia.org
> > https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/chaptercommittee-l
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> WikimediaBR-l mailing list
> WikimediaBR-l em lists.wikimedia.org
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediabr-l
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