[Wikimedia Brasil] Fwd: [REA] OER na Nova Zelandia através do Wikieducator

Thomas de Souza Buckup thomasdesouzabuckup em gmail.com
Terça Junho 30 12:50:26 UTC 2009

Excelente iniciativa da Nova Zelandia que poderia ser replicada aqui no Brasil.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barbara Dieu <beeonline em gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 18:58:26 -0300
Subject: [REA] OER na Nova Zelandia através do Wikieducator
To: rea-lista em googlegroups.com

Repassando da lista do Wikieducator.

Good news for our community. The New Zealand Ministry of Education has
signed off on a project to establish a national OER collaboration for New
Zealand schools using WikiEducator.  The project aims to:

   1. Build capability and support community development for NZ teachers
   working on OER.
   2. Make the wiki easier to use for all teachers for authoring, searching,
   and reusing OER content.
   3. Seed the development of OER exemplars mapped to the NZ curriculum.

The New Zealand Ministry of Education has agreed to fund the first year of
the project outlined in this proposal:


I'd like to encourage all WikiEducator teachers to take a look at the
proposal and see how we may be able to replicate national OER collaborations
in your respective countries.

All our planning documentation and resources will naturally be licensed
under free content licenses, which you can reuse and adpat for your local
context :-). Similarly all tools developed will be freely available for
adoption and use by all WikiEducators.

Well done WikiEducator --- another natioinal OER initiave for our community!


Um abc

Barbara Dieu

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Thomas de Souza Buckup
thomasdesouzabuckup em gmail.com
+55 11 3477-2834
+55 11 9213-3931

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