[Wikimedia Brasil] wikipedia and related projects logos

Mike Godwin mgodwin em wikimedia.org
Sábado Janeiro 17 18:49:01 UTC 2009

On Jan 17, 2009, at 9:58 AM, Alexandre Hannud Abdo wrote:

> The use of the logo would be restricted to the slides for a
> presentation we were invited to give, during the event, as  
> collaborators
> of wikimedia projects.

I can approve your use of the logo for the slides as you describe  
here, both for this event and for future events in which you might use  
the same slides.

> In addition, we could also use the logo for a small (A4) banner to  
> help
> people know where to find the workshops we will hold about  
> participating
> on the wikimedia platform, but that is not so important as we can use
> plain text.

I approve your use of the logo for A4 banners or posters designed to  
guide conference participants during this particular event.

--Mike Godwin
General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation

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