[Wikimedia Brasil] Fwd: Brazilian chapter's bylaws

Thomas de Souza Buckup thomasdesouzabuckup em gmail.com
Quarta Setembro 10 16:52:32 UTC 2008

Cópia da mensagem enviada ao ChapCom em 10/09/08

 We would like to thank Delphine and Anders for the feedbacks on the bylaws
and to congratulate all the volunteers that helped to write the first and
this last version of the Brazilian Chapter's bylaws:

With great enthusiasm we are now ready to start the formal process to get
the Bylaws approved. Would you please start the process?!?!? Thanks again
for all the support.

Looking forward to joining the chapter's group,

Thomas Buckup
(and WM.BR <http://wm.br/> mailing list - cc)

Thomas de Souza Buckup
thomasdesouzabuckup em gmail.com
+55 11 3477-2834
+55 11 9213-3931
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