[Wikimediaau-l] Queensland museum & commons

Liam Wyatt liamwyatt at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 01:50:52 UTC 2010

Dear all - especially Craig F,

Here at the Museums Australia conference at Melbourne University is  David Milne from the QLD Museum - the curator who put up some of their photos last year in Commons. His presentation is up next after lunch. From the abstract in the program it looks like it will be a positive presentation - referring to "research undertaken by the worldwide Wikimedia community has added to the museum's knowledge about objects, photographs and locations..."

I'm obviously going to make myself known in discussion section of that presentation but wanted to know if there was anything anyone wanted me to specifically say or ask at that session? 

(I shall be speaking tomorrow morning about the British Museum project).

-Liam / Witty Lama

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