[Wikimediaau-l] WMAu IRC discussion tomorrow night

Liam Wyatt liamwyatt at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 01:07:54 UTC 2010

not being party to the fundraising discussions, but being involved in the
general area of things....

It has been conclusively shown by the WMF's own testing of banners, landing
pages and payment systems that the more things that are on the landing page,
the less likely people are to donate. This goes down to even elements like
the "share your message" that was part of the donation process in previous
years - removing even that little free-text field significantly increased
the donation-rate. Adding photos and videos was tried in the WMF's own
testing with a fundriaising impact of decreasing donations. KISS seems to be
the guiding principle.

The Fundraising agreement in previous years (and presumably this year too)
only covers the fundraising period - as determined by the banners and the
annual giving campaign. This excludes the rest of the year. So, at least for
the time being the "donate" button in the wikimedia interface (left hand
toolbar) will remain as it is. This might change in the future, but at the
moment everyone is too busy with the big fundraiser to worry about changing
that feature which brings in such a small amount relatively speaking.

hope that helps.


Peace, love & metadata

On 19 November 2010 00:07, private musings <thepmaccount at gmail.com> wrote:

> I was sorry to have missed this - I probably would have asked about
> whether or not there's any way to get an image, or images, onto the
> 'landing page' for donations - I think the carousel of WMF projects
> has since been added - or possibly it was always there and I missed
> it!
> I also wondered if anyone might fancy asking the foundation if the
> 'Donate' buttons on the left hand side of the screen might also be
> able to use the geo-locate function to enable donations to WMAU that
> way also?
> A mini-update as to the monies coming in at this very early stage
> would be great too :-)
> cheers,
> Peter,
> PM.
> On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 7:47 PM, John Vandenberg <jayvdb at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The committee will be available for an informal meeting on IRC
> > #wikimedia-au tomorrow evening to discuss how we are going with the
> > fundraiser, and anything else of interest.
> >
> > As this is late notice, a subset of us will be around from 6pm until
> > 10pm AEDT in order to cater to both US people staying up late, and
> > Western Australians who are a few hours behind.
> > The best times to come will be 6:45pm-7:45pm and 9pm-10pm AEDT.
> >
> > If you do not have an IRC client, there are two ways you can come chat
> > using a web browser:  First, using the Wikizine chat gateway at
> > <http://chatwikizine.memebot.com/cgi-bin/cgiirc/irc.cgi>. Type a
> > nickname, select irc.freenode.net from the top menu and #wikimedia-au
> > from the following menu, then login to join.
> >
> > Or, you can access Freenode by going to http://webchat.freenode.net/,
> > typing in the nickname of your choice and choosing #wikimedia-au as
> > the channel. You may be prompted to click through a security warning,
> > which you can click to accept.
> >
> > --
> > John Vandenberg
> >
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> > Wikimediaau-l mailing list
> > Wikimediaau-l at lists.wikimedia.org
> > https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediaau-l
> >
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