[Wikimediaau-l] official wiki

Andrew orderinchaos78 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 14:23:22 UTC 2009

Re planning activities - there doesn't seem much evidence of the meetup
pages being used for planning of any kind at present. Most of the meetup
pages are deadzones, with only Sydney having any recent editing activity
whatsoever (Melbourne and Canberra both show their August meetups as being
"next" rather than "last").

The problem we have is that we're still very much in the outreach phase and
do not yet have critical mass, so discussing events (beyond planning them)
in areas where people are unlikely to find them is somewhat

I'm not in favour of open editing simply because it is, and should be, a
membership benefit - it is after all our official wiki and announcement
area. I'm not opposed to individuals being granted access from outside when
it suits our purposes to do so - eg our partners in GLAM and elsewhere, or
any other official collaborations which explicitly pull in non-Wikimedians.


2009/12/11 Liam Wyatt <liamwyatt at gmail.com>

> I too would like to see the chapter wiki being used more, especially for
> planning IRL events.
> Perhaps the issue is not so much that the "Billabong" isn't the right place
> but that (as mentioned) it's not used by many people as yet - this is
> largely a factor of the relatively low number of people who are allowed to
> edit. Currently editing rights on the Australian chapter wiki are restricted
> to members. I note that the UK chapter's wiki
> <http://uk.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page>allows IP editing (though not on
> the mainpage) whilst the other English language chapter (NYC) focuses their
> attention on the meta-wiki page<http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_New_York_City>(which is also open for IP editing).
> Given this discussion is happening on the wikimedia-au list, rather than
> the members'-only list, perhaps it is pertinent to ask: would the
> subscribers to this list be more willing to become involved with the
> Australian chapter's wiki, events, and eventually perhaps also join the
> chapter if the Wiki was open for at least logged-in editing from all people?
> One advantage of this would be that we could centralise discussion about
> planning activities in Australia on the Australian chapter's wiki rather
> than having to split it across Wikipedia's meetup pages. One disadvantage of
> this would be that one of the promoted benefits of membership (being able to
> edit the wiki) is no longer exclusive.
> From a personal point of view, I believe that increasing the editability of
> the chapter wiki will increase the number and range of things happening in
> Australia and therefore become a driver of membership and activity. But, I'd
> like to hear what the current non-members think.
> -Liam
> (yes, I'm a member)
> wittylama.com/blog
> Peace, love & metadata
> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 11:38 AM, Sarah Ewart <sarahewart at gmail.com>wrote:
>> I assume it's the same with our wiki though I haven't actually checked
>> myself, but usually editing the MediaWiki interface pages requires admin
>> rights. We really don't want people stuffing around at will with the main
>> interface. I also agree with Andrew about the Billabong page. It's meant to
>> be a page where people can make suggestions and ask for help or whatever and
>> we don't want to make it harder for people to find the central
>> discussion/help page if they need it. I don't see how it not being used much
>> makes a difference. There's only a small number of people who even have
>> accounts with edit rights and the website is still very young so you could
>> justify removing just about all the sidebar links by saying they're "not
>> currently used much". As Andrew said, we want to build the membership and as
>> the active members grow the central discussion page will become more useful
>> and important and in the interim it's there for anyone who needs it.
>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 9:20 PM, Andrew <orderinchaos78 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I don't think it's a good idea to remove it - we want to get more member
>>> participation happening in 2010, and there simply wasn't the scope for that
>>> in 2009, hence why it wasn't utilised.
>>> cheers
>>> Andrew
>>> 2009/12/11 K. Peachey <p858snake at yahoo.com.au>
>>> Yes it is possible to edit it, for details:
>>>> "<mwbot-deux> To edit the navigation menu on the left, edit
>>>> [[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] using its special syntax. For more details, see
>>>> <http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/Sidebar>."
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