[Wikimediaau-l] Realising Our Broadband Future - have your say now!

Jessica Coates j2.coates at qut.edu.au
Wed Dec 9 08:51:54 UTC 2009

Just a quick reminder that the Realising Our Broadband Future<http://www.broadbandfuture.gov.au> forum from the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy<http://www.dbcde.gov.au> starts tomorrow to explore the possibilities of the National Broadband Network. The main event is at Sydney University, but there is also an event at QUT in Brisbane<http://bbfqld.civictec.net> and one in Parramatta<http://creativecommons.org.au/>.

More immediately, the idea wiki<http://www.broadbandfuture.gov.au/wiki.html> for the forum is open now. For the next 20 hours anyone can submit an idea that they want to be discussed at the forum, based around the 5 forum themes of:

* Smart Infrastructure
* e-Business
* Digital Education
* e-Health
* e-Communities

So if you want to put an idea/question to the Prime Minister, the Hon Kevin Rudd<http://www.broadbandfuture.gov.au/speaker-kevin-rudd.html>, Senator the Hon. Stephen Conroy Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy<http://www.broadbandfuture.gov.au/speaker-stephen-conroy.html>, Senator Kate Lundy<http://www.broadbandfuture.gov.au/speaker-kate-lundy.html> and CEO of the NBN Co. Mike Quigley<http://www.broadbandfuture.gov.au/speaker-mike-quigley.html> - now is the time.

Jessica Coates
Project Manager
Creative Commons Clinic
Queensland University of Technology

ph: 07 3138 8301
fax: 07 3138 9395
email: j2.coates at qut.edu.au
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