[Wikimediaau-l] Fwd: LUV November Meeting - Wed 5 November 2008 - MediaWiki and Cloud Computing

Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher at gmail.com
Sat Oct 25 11:35:49 UTC 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jiri Baum <jiri at baum.com.au>
Date: 2008/10/25
Subject: LUV November Meeting - Wed 5 November 2008 - MediaWiki and
Cloud Computing
To: luv-announce at luv.asn.au

Wednesday 5 November 6:30pm for 7pm start at The Buzzard Lecture Theatre. Evan
Burge Building, Trinity College, Melbourne University Main Campus, Parkville.

** Note that this is Wednesday, not the usual Tuesday, due to Melbourne Cup **

* Brianna Laugher - Hacking MediaWiki
* Russell Coker - Cloud Computing

After the meeting, come have dinner with us at Maria'sTrattoria!
122-124 Peel St


Here are the details of the talks:

** Hacking MediaWiki by Brianna Laugher **

MediaWiki, the world's most widely used open source wiki software, is
not just for Wikipedia... and hacking it is not just for developers!
MediaWiki is designed in a such a way that users can modify and extend
its interface and functionality without ever needing to touch a line
of PHP. This talk will reveal some of MediaWiki's highly useful but
little known features, and cover some of the most interesting and
popular ways it has been extended. Come by and find out how to get the
most out of your MediaWiki experience, whether it be for editing a
Wikimedia project, or your favourite software project's documentation

Brianna Laugher is a committee member for Wikimedia Australia, a
non-profit organisation incorporated in Victoria for Wikimedians living
in Australia. She blogs on Wikimedia and free culture topics and has
been a Wikimedia contributor since 2005. She is glad she discovered
Wikipedia at the end of her degree and not the start.

** Cloud Computing by Russell Coker **
* What it is, how it works, and Amazon EC2 as an example. *

Cloud computing allows people to deploy services without regard to the exact
amount of compute power.  The number of servers used can be changed at will
and even changed periodically (EG put on extra servers on the weekend if that
is when your customers are active).  Amazon EC2 is a commercial cloud
computing service based on Xen and Linux.  There is also potential for
similar technologies to be used for non-profit use.

Russell Coker is best known for his work on SE Linux.  But of recent
times most of his paid work has been as a sysadmin.

Jiri Baum <jiri at baum.com.au>                   http://www.baum.com.au/~jiri

They've just been waiting in a mountain for the right moment:

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