[Wikimediaau-l] Warning about Michael Purse

Al and Bet McFarlane alanandbabette at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 23 04:56:18 UTC 2008

In 2003 he ripped me off, $2000.

I said I would never let it go and recently I was contacted by other people this nice guy has swindled. Just thought I'd let those on this list who are interested in avoiding financial loss know about him.

Copy and paste the links from below and you might start to get the idea. Yes he's very helpful.

And Michael ......I will not forget about this.


> From: alanandbabette at hotmail.com
> To: jo.lim at auda.org.au
> Subject: FW: Please Help! (Re: Michael Purse)
> Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 19:19:14 +1000
> Hi Jo,
> Could you please advise if Michael Purse is still on your board?
> A lot of people have been ripped off by him in the past and we are gathering information slowly to go to the police with and would appreciate any assistance you can give.
> We are contacting as many of his work places and of his affiliates to see who else he has duped in the past, i received the email below from another of his victims.
> You may wish to check out the following links:
> http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=96234
> http://www.mtgparadise.com/forums/index.php?s=81bf47b8021bbc489f571ca416aa9f02&showtopic=25587&st=15&start=15
> ________________________________
>> Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 23:48:45 +1100
>> From: lauz1985 at gmail.com
>> To: alanandbabette at hotmail.com
>> Subject: Please Help! (Re: Michael Purse)
>> Hi do you have any information on Michael Purse?
>> He has stolen most of my savings.
>> He just left Melbourne. I think he is in Sydney.
>> Do you know of a number he can be contacted on?
>> Do you know where he might stay in Sydney? or Brisbane?
>> Do you have his address in Toowoomba.
>> Or his Bank / Details?
>> I'm sure if i can get in contact with him, he'll give me at least some of the money back.
>> I'm really desperate.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Anything you know, would help me a lot.
>> He left Melbourne 2 days ago...
>> I really dont know what to do...
>> Does he have a warrant out on him?
>> He seems to have ripped so many people off...
>> Please email me back
>> Thank you
>> Yours Sincerely
>> Laura Stewart
> _________________________________________________________________


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