[Wikimediaau-l] ChapCom

private musings thepmaccount at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 07:01:55 UTC 2008

G'day all,

I'm very pleased (and a bit excited, and a bit nervous) that I've been asked
to act as a communications advisor for ChapCom, and I've spent the last few
weeks generally learning the ropes, lurking here and there and getting to
grips with how it all works :-)

It really helps to have a clear idea of current status in each developing
chapter, and I'd really like to be able to update everyone with progress in
the Australian Chapter, as well as letting you guys know that I'm available
as a resource to use (and abuse!) as you see fit to help get the chapter
launched and working successfully in Australia. To this end, I'll be editing
away on Meta to incorporate a few of the ideas I've seen on this list, but
would also request an update from the interim committee about how they're
going with Chapter logistics in general.

I think it would be great to update all list members here, but you can of
course also contact ChapCom direct on chaptercommittee-l at wikimedia.org. I
note (as I've noted before) that the UK Chapter is beavering away to
re-launch, and are expecting to hold their inaugural AGM in January. Whilst
normally I'd go for the poms in the Ashes, maybe we can resume normal
service and beat them to it? :-)

best regards,

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