[Wikimediaau-l] Chapter activity ideas

Alex G g1ggyman at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 10:06:06 UTC 2008

On 7/29/08, Nick Jenkins <nickpj at gmail.com> wrote:
>> *? Maybe offer more generic MediaWiki services to companies, groups
>> etc? I think there is a certain amount of scope, not heaps, for us to
>> promote MediaWiki and wikis as a generally useful tool rather than
>> only for Wikimedia.
> I think there is some scope here. There are at least a few MW developers in
> Australia,
> and certainly there are companies that make a living supplying wiki-related
> services
> & software in Australia, so there is some market here, such as developing
> custom
> extensions, adding/improving functionality, etc. It won't be a huge amount
> of money,
> but if we can encourage younger Australian developers and help direct
> MediaWiki
> related work towards them, then that's probably going to be beneficial in
> the long run
> for all concerned.

Hmm... I wasn't aware that there is much of a market, but if you say
so. (Though, come to think of it, Tim Starling lives in Australia...
are there others?)  That said, I'm not sure if developing custom
extensions (etc.) in the name of WMA is the best of ideas - generally
they're donated by one person to, well, everyone else, and it would
seem awkward to have a group "make" them. That's my opinion,


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