[Wikimedia-l] [Wikimedia Announcements] OTRS annual statistics for 2013

Rjd0060 rjd0060.wiki at gmail.com
Sun Mar 16 20:28:50 UTC 2014

Hello all,

The Wikimedia Volunteer Response Team (also known as OTRS[1]) had an
extremely busy year answering emails from Wikimedia users, readers and
other interested people.  We have once again prepared a statistical report
of administrator activity and ticket volume for the year 2013.

I invite you all to review this report on Meta[2].  If you have any
questions at all feel free to leave them on the talk page.  If you wish to
review the first report, published last year with data from 2012, you may
also view that on Meta[3].

For the OTRS administrators,

Ryan // User:Rjd0060

[1] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/OTRS
[2] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/OTRS/Reports/2013
[3] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/OTRS/Reports/2012 (previous report)
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