[Wikimedia-l] New Google interface to Wikipedia

Federico Leva (Nemo) nemowiki at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 04:15:02 UTC 2013

Anders Wennersten, 29/09/2013 12:02:
> The number of accesses to Wikipedia has jumped 25-40% since July [1]

You mean positive +25 % don't you? I don't see this figure anywhere, 
where are you looking? There is a +25 % in August compared to July in 
sv.wiki (but single-month peaks are not to be trusted that much).

> and
> I suspect it is related to the new interface Google has created where an
> extract from Wikipedia resides on the right  part of search page.

Usually it's been anectodically blamed for reducing rather than 
increasing visits. There is no clear timeline of the changes they did so 
it's hard to make correlations in a serious way (nobody even tried so 
far, I think?).


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