[Wikimedia-l] FDC Letter of Intent due June 8 & IRC office hours

Katy Love klove at wikimedia.org
Thu May 16 23:29:42 UTC 2013

Hello again, all,

I made a mistake with the two FDC Letter of Intent office hour times. The
two times are actually:

* Wednesday, May 29 at 0:00 UTC (which is Tuesday still in some parts of
the world), and
* Wednesday, May 29 at 15:00 UTC

Sorry about that--I am usually better at navigating time zones. :) Hope to
see some of you there!


On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Katy Love <klove at wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Dear members of the Wikimedia community,
> You will have seen an email recently from Patricio Lorente and Jan-Bart de
> Vreede, the Board Reps to the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC), about
> the FDC's new Letter of Intent process. The Letter of Intent (LOI) is the
> first step in applying for funds from the FDC, as outlined in the FDC
> Framework. [1] This upcoming year (2013-2014) will be the first time we
> institute the LOI process. As you heard from them, we anticipate the LOI
> will be a helpful planning tool for the FDC as well as offering us a chance
> to begin working with entities in advance of the FDC proposal deadline.  We
> hope it will allow us to work closely with applying entities and to address
> questions and concerns (and clear up any misunderstandings) significantly
> before the proposal deadline.
> Interested entities must submit an Letter of Intent in order to apply for
> FDC funding. For Round 1 of 2013-2014, the LOI is due on June 8. The LOI
> asks potential FDC applicants to state their intentions to apply and to
> include a notional dollar figure (or local currency figure). The Letter
> of Intent can be created on the FDC portal [2], and a sample is here for
> your reference [3]. The LOI is non-binding, but it is required in order to
> be able to submit a proposal for Round 1.
> In anticipation of the LOI's June 8 deadline, the FDC staff is holding
> office hours twice to respond to questions. We welcome entities considering
> applying for Round 1 funding to join us. Our two office hours will be held
> on #wikimedia-office on:
> * Tuesday, May 28 at 0:00 UTC
> * Wednesday, May 29 at 15:00 UTC

* Wednesday, May 29 at 0:00 UTC
* Wednesday, May 29 at 15:00 UTC

>  These two sessions will have the following agenda:
> 1. Introductions
> 2. Brief explanation of the FDC
> 3. Explanation of the purpose of the Letter of Intent and general FDC
> proposal process
> 4. Q&A on the LOI
> And finally, for your reference, here is the 2013-2014 Round 1 proposal
> process [4] schedule:
> - *Letter of Intent deadline for Round 1: 8 June 2013*
> - Deadline for WMF Staff to post eligibility: 15 July 2013
> - Deadline for entities to meet eligibility requirements: 15 September
>  2013
> - Proposal submission deadline: 1 October 2013
> - Community review period: 1 October - 31 October 2013
> - Staff assessment deadline: 8 November 2013
> - FDC recommendation due: 1 December 2013
> - Board decision due: 1 January 2014
> As always, contact us questions or requests for support:
> FDCsupport at wikimedia.org.
> Warm regards,
> Katy and the FDC support team
> [1]
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Funds_Dissemination_Committee/Framework_for_the_Creation_and_Initial_Operation_of_the_FDC#Process_overview
> [2] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal
> [3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/Sample_letter_of_intent
> [4] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/Proposal_process

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