[Wikimedia-l] Introducing Ellie Young as Conference Coordinator

Isarra Yos zhorishna at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 22:13:05 UTC 2013

One needn't stick around to establish and maintain a working framework 
for such - continuity and knowledge-transfer sounds rather like 
consistency and maintainability of code, where if it is well set up and 
documented anyone can reasonably pick up where someone else left off.

So to ensure that there is continuity between events from year to year, 
the important thing would be the framework and that what was done gets 
written down - and in an organised and consistent fashion. That way 
never mind who it is in this position, the future organisers should 
still be able to find stuff from previous events as well, pick up where 
others left off, and continue from there.

On 29/03/13 02:06, Everton Zanella Alvarenga wrote:
> Good point, Florence.
> Is it like if we hired someone for a education position to work during
> one school term for only 6 months.
> Tom
> On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 10:37 PM, Florence Devouard <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Welcome again Ellie
>> A question came to my mind when I read the description of the job.
>> - making sure there is good continuity and knowledge-transfer as the
>> conference moves to new hosts year-over-year.
>> Yet, she is taking on the role as an annual contract.
>> Is there not a contradiction here ?
>> Flo

-— Isarra

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