[Wikimedia-l] Wikimedia Foundation's non-disclosure agreement

Tim Starling tstarling at wikimedia.org
Mon Mar 11 03:08:22 UTC 2013

On 10/03/13 01:30, David Gerard wrote:
> On 9 March 2013 14:20, Tomasz W. Kozłowski <odder.wiki at gmail.com> wrote:
>> #1: Does anyone know who might be able to provide a copy of an example
>> NDA signed by WMF staff for use on Meta (at
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Non-disclosure_agreements>)?
>> #2: If it isn't possible to release the text for the public, is there
>> any particular reason behind that? We all know (or can guess) what's
>> usually covered by such documents, so it doesn't really make sense
>> /not/ to publish that.
> +1 - is the NDA itself under NDA or something?

As I said already, it is not.

On 10/03/13 01:32, K. Peachey wrote:
> 1. The legal department could quiet easily do it.

If you ask a lawyer whether it is OK to blow your nose in public,
they'll say with great anxiety "hmmm, I don't know, let me get back to
you on that." Then depending on how busy they are with other stuff,
maybe they'll get back to you a few weeks later with some relevant
case law.

That is to say, there are plenty of people who could do it more easily
than the legal department.

-- Tim Starling

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