[Wikimedia-l] fiction: WMF policy of paying less than market

James Salsman jsalsman at gmail.com
Thu Mar 7 13:46:28 UTC 2013

Jan-Bart de Vreede wrote:

>... I do want to make sure you (and everyone else) realise that there is no FACT like the one that you mention.
> "fact that the
>> Foundation's policy of paying below market salary discriminates
>> against potential hires with large expenses such as kids in college or
>> a mortgage from 2007?"
> because
> a)  there is no such policy....

So would you disagree with Erik Moeller's statement of 29 December 2012?

"[WMF compensation is] below some companies that are
similar to us, notably Mozilla which is structured as a for-profit
owned by a non-profit and pays market-level compensation (sans
equity). Wikimedia is above most non-profits that do tech work, and
there's a fair bit of room to grow compensation-wise for an
entry-level hire. It's not what people could make elsewhere, and
that's understood by folks who make it through the process."
-- http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimedia-l/2012-December/123272.html

> Finally I find the idea of restraining people to talk about salary
> almost comical....

Would you post the text of the non-disparagement clause referred to at
please, so we can see exactly what it says?

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