[Wikimedia-l] Aaron Swartz is dead

James Salsman jsalsman at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 22:58:36 UTC 2013

Aaron explained how he originally measured Wikipedia contributions:
http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/whowriteswikipedia/swartz2006 -- which is
only linked through the bibliography he kept up on the topic
http://www.aaronsw.com/2002/whowriteswikipedia/ which is linked at the
end of the main essay. Less than a month ago we tweeted back and forth
about weighting those statistics by pageviews.

His best work might be his summary of Galbraith's _Predator State_:

"when we were fellows together at the Harvard Center for Ethics, I
think we annoyed everyone else with our repeated insistence that
reducing economic inequality was somehow always the appropriate
solution to each of the many social ills the group identified" --

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