[Wikimedia-l] Big Fat Brussels Gathering

Leinonen Teemu teemu.leinonen at aalto.fi
Sat Feb 23 14:44:20 UTC 2013

On 19.2.2013, at 19.06, Jan Engelmann <jan.engelmann at wikimedia.de> wrote:
> Building upon the tremendous efforts of Brussels-based NGOs
> like EDRI [3] and La Quadrature Du Net [4], we should take the job to
> speak for the Wikimedia movement and its particular role in, let’s
> say, the ongoing Copyright Wars.
> [3] http://www.edri.org/
> [4] http://www.laquadrature.net/

Among the Free Software Foundation Europe [1] there are also some active people campaigning and lobbying in EU on  topics that are critical for the Wikimedia movement. I follow their Free Software in education initiatives [2] and think that partnering officially with the WMF / chapters / representative in Brussels could benefit both.

	- Teemu 

[1] http://fsfe.org
[2] https://wiki.fsfe.org/Education/

Teemu Leinonen
+358 50 351 6796
Media Lab
Aalto University 
School of Arts, Design and Architecture

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