[Wikimedia-l] Big Fat Brussels Gathering

Romaine Wiki romaine_wiki at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 20 22:19:13 UTC 2013

Wikipedia and Wikimedia are a movement, a movement of open/free information and we should have spokespeople who can explain why open/free information is our desire and the desire of many people in the world. We as Wikimedia can't exist without open/free information and we should and must explain that to politicians and other organizations. Our goals are limited by the legal bounders, and as Wikimedia is an important movement in our society we should make our voice been heard to make us able to reach our goals in a larger way.

This is something that should be done by the European chapters and other European Wikimedians. This is of European importance and can't be done only by Belgians, and that wouldn't be appropriate. (As one of the people working on founding Wikimedia Belgium I can say everyone is welcome, but certainly we can't do this alone.) Wikimedia stands for collaboration, that is what we need here, and it is good to see this is recognized by several chapters and Wikimedians.

Be welcome!


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