[Wikimedia-l] Loading remote resources on Wikimedia wikis

MZMcBride z at mzmcbride.com
Sun Feb 10 20:03:40 UTC 2013

Nathan wrote:
>MZ - The last time this came up was in the context of the Jobvite
>listings, and at the time I believe you directed people to the privacy
>policy. I don't have the exact quote handy, but I think you said
>something like the privacy policy of the site or service collecting
>information has to be consistent with the privacy policy of the
>Wikimedia Foundation on the collection, retention and use of data.

Yes, I looked up this thread and my understanding then (from March 2012)
is pretty much the same as my understanding now.


The issue I'm encountering is that when I get asked questions about this
(such as "can we use Google's CDNs to provide jQuery to users?"), I'm
unable to point to much more than my own mailing list posts currently.

Meta-Wiki has pages such as
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User-Agent_policy> that fill a somewhat
similar explanatory role. Perhaps a similar page would be best here?

It's fairly long-standing policy to ban outside tools such as Google
Analytics due to user privacy concerns, but it seems nobody has bothered
writing this down. :-/


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