[Wikimedia-l] "Tweet this page" from some or all sites???

billinghurst billinghurst at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 12:49:51 UTC 2013

On Thu, 18 Apr 2013 12:28:54 +1000, billinghurst <billinghurst at gmail.com>
> I am wondering why there is no "tweet this page" capability through the
> WMF sites?  It is so widely available through the web, and here is a
> of sites that would be a prime place to do it, and NADA, no capacity.
> Even if we had it for something like https://blog.wikimedia.org/  would
> a good place to start.  However, the ability to easily tweet about a
> at Wikisource, an article at one of the WPs all sound like marvellous
> things to easily do.
> Regards, Billinghurst

Hmm, a whole lot of personal preference has been shared.

For the good folks who solely have a wikipedia focus, neutrality, etc. ...
open your minds as WMF is bigger than Wikipedia!  WMF is bigger than each
of our personal biases and approaches. It is for all of us, not just the
flavour that we individually want.  This place is full of people, which
makes it a social site, but definitely not its primary purpose, that said,
its complete and utter purpose is to share and to share with people, a
clear social activity.  We are NOT an archive, and a tweet is just one way
to share a piece of information.

There was an excellent article last year (somewhere on the web) about a
researcher who tweeted and otherwise engaged in social media forums about
her scientific research and she had empirical data with regard to far great
activity and interaction with her research from that approach; rather than
the research just sitting in a electronic database where people had to go
and dig, or didn't!

In my initial post I mentioned two places of perceived use, specifically
the blog, and Wikisource. Though I can see that wiktionary, wikiquote and
commons are all great candidates to be able to tweet something.  And yes
there are privacy concerns, though one would expect that the users are
already those who have accounts, and then it becomes about eyes-wide open
(explanations).  I also think that there are enough privacy experts around
who can assist to minimise adverse consequences.

Thanks Tilman for your answer, that will be great, and addresses my
primary question with a solution.  And to James A for his explanations of
some of the existing aspects.

I am not advocating that we look to all social media forms, or that we
have a careless approach.  It may be gadgets, it may be things that people
can turn on and off. Not exactly certain, I just know that like sharing
newspaper articles, that I wanted to share a blog post.

Regards, Andrew

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