[Foundation-l] Does google favour WIkipedia?

Tom Morris tom at tommorris.org
Tue Mar 20 18:39:02 UTC 2012

On 20 March 2012 18:24, Andrew Gray <andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk> wrote:
> (The SEO people are correct that Wikipedia has a high Google ranking,
> and correct that this is something of an odd skew on Google's part.
> What always amuses me is the recurrent belief that Wikipedia
> deliberately tries to do this, that we're bribing Google or setting up
> carefully-constructed semantic traps in our articles or something -
> the fact that it's not a cunning ploy on our part is completely
> inconceivable to someone who approaches everything from this
> perspective.)

Perhaps they honestly believe that their keyword-primed advertorial
page is actually more useful than a Wikipedia page and are astounded
that Google might have the temerity to disagree. ;-)

Tom Morris

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