[Foundation-l] CBC getting rid of physical archives(but not digitising all of them)

Marc Riddell michaeldavid86 at comcast.net
Wed Mar 14 20:10:11 UTC 2012

on 3/14/12 1:54 PM, Kim Bruning at kim at bruning.xs4all.nl wrote:

> "The CBC is getting rid of its physical music collections in Vancouver and
> other sites across the country, a treasure
> trove of over 100,000 artifacts amassed over decades. Valuable, rare and
> historic recordings on vinyl and tape will be
> destroyed or dispersed, lost to all of us forever. "
> http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/save-cbc-music-archives
> Is this accurate news? If so, can we (eg: commons/wikisource) help?
> sincerely,
> Kim Bruning


I just found this:



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