[Foundation-l] CBC getting rid of physical archives(but not digitising all of them)

Tom Morris tom at tommorris.org
Wed Mar 14 19:27:28 UTC 2012

On 14 March 2012 17:54, Kim Bruning <kim at bruning.xs4all.nl> wrote:
> "The CBC is getting rid of its physical music collections in Vancouver and other sites across the country, a treasure
> trove of over 100,000 artifacts amassed over decades. Valuable, rare and historic recordings on vinyl and tape will be
> destroyed or dispersed, lost to all of us forever. "
> http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/save-cbc-music-archives
> Is this accurate news? If so, can we (eg: commons/wikisource) help?

Wow, if only there were another public service broadcaster who
stupidly decided to chuck away their physical archives for cost
reasons and then rapidly came to regret it afterwards.

What's that broadcaster called? I'm pretty sure the name only had a
Levenshtein distance of 1 from 'CBC'.

Oh yeah, the BBC.

That's the BBC of "wiping Doctor Who episodes to reuse tape" fame. The
BBC recorded film of Winston Churchill speaking, and it was only
recovered because a secretary from Conservative Central Office managed
to get a copy of it and hid it in her flat.

Who are now taking part in a very sophisticated digital archiving process:

If the CBC were to follow the BBC's folly, that would be tragic and
utterly stupid.

Tom Morris

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